When you contact Small Talk Pediatric Speech Therapy, LLC, you will be offered a FREE telephone consultation. This consultation helps to determine if your child will benefit from an in-depth evaluation that usually takes between one and one and a half hours to obtain a reliable and accurate diagnosis.
If therapy is recommended, we will develop an individualized treatment plan. Length of therapy differs depending on the type and severity of the diagnosis and will be discussed prior to beginning therapy. Each client receives a written initial evaluation. Progress notes and treatment plan will be provided upon request.
The SimplePractice Client Portal is an easy and secure way for clients to communicate with a therapist online and bypass email when sharing sensitive information. Using the portal a client can view documents you have shared; see statements, superbills, and invoices; book/cancel appointments online; and make payments.
Small Talk Pediatric Speech Therapy does not bill insurance for evaluations and therapy other than Medicaid and BabyNet (pending). All other clients are considered to be private pay, which means you will pay for services out of pocket at the time of service.
For clients who plan to seek their own reimbursement from insurance, Small Talk is considered “out of network” for insurance policies that reimburse for speech therapy services. As a courtesy, we will provide a superbill upon request. A superbill may be submitted by the client to insurance for possible reimbursement.
The following forms must be completed. You will have access to them on the client portal if you would prefer to fill out online. Otherwise, please print and bring to the initial evaluation.
If you think your child may have a speech or language delay, a good place to start is with your pediatrician, day care provider, or teacher. They can be very good at gauging your child's speech/language skills based on what other children of the same age are doing.
A child can be referred for speech therapy by a parent, physician, dentist, early interventionist, psychologist, other therapists, and more.
Small Talk Pediatric Speech Therapy, does not bill insurance for evaluations and therapy, other than Medicaid and BabyNet. All other clients are considered to be private pay, which means you will pay for services out of pocket at the time of service.
For clients who plan to seek their own reimbursement from insurance, Small Talk is considered “out of network” for insurance policies that reimburse for speech therapy services. As a courtesy, we will provide a superbill upon request. A superbill may be submitted by the client to insurance for reimbursement.
A doctor’s prescription is required if the evaluation/therapy will be covered by BabyNet or Medicaid. A prescription is not required by the Small Talk office for private pay therapy. However, if you plan to file for reimbursement from your private insurance company, then you will need to obtain a prescription.
Small Talk works with children of all ages and with a variety of needs.
Therapy can take place at a location most beneficial to the child. Small Talk sees children in preschools/daycares, home, office, and even in community settings if appropriate to the treatment plan.
An evaluation can last from about 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours, depending on the areas being assessed. Standardized tests, observation, history information, and parent report are all used to get the best picture of your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
Following the evaluation, you will receive a brief verbal summary of the findings. If therapy is warranted, the written evaluation report will be reviewed with you at the first therapy appointment. If it is found that your child has attained age appropriate speech and language skills, there will be no further appointments and you will receive a written report in the mail.
Referrals to other professionals may be made if, during the evaluation, it is found that your child is having difficulties in areas that are outside the scope of practice for the SLP. These include but are not limited to: ENT, audiologist, Behavioral Pediatrician, occupational therapist, physical therapist, dentist, orthodontist, etc.
All children will be different. Some children will require longer periods of therapy to achieve their goals. Lots of variables affect how long a child will be in therapy: attendance rate, specific diagnoses, severity and complexity of deficits, carryover into the home, age, frequency of therapy. However, the need for and benefit of therapy is being assessed during every session, and no child will be kept in therapy longer than it is beneficial.
Sessions are 30, 45, or 60 minutes depending on what is decided at the initial evaluation.
Sessions are individual. Small Talk does not offer group sessions at this time.
Call 864-905-2090
Email lynne.willis@smalltalksc.com or use our online appointment service.